Saturday, November 3, 2012

The North India Hotspots are increasing with All India Dam Capacity

The hotspot cluster in North India near the Himalayas is increasing with All India Dam Capacity.
R. Ashok Kumar,B.E.,M.E(Power), Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-
3 November 2012.
© 2012 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar
The hotspot cluster’s count of number of hotspots increases in direct proportion to dam capacity(Fig 1):
r = 0.916,df=11 and p = 1.11E-5 for the years 2000-2012 for the 48 hour period from 31 October to 2 November. For a longer period 20th October to 5 November also the correlation is highly significant: See Fig.2: r = 0.78, df=11, p = 0.000166.
The count of the number of hotspots(hs) were obtained from the NASA Web Fire Mapper while the annual dam capacity in million cubic meters(MCM) was obtained from the data provided by the World Commission on Dams. See the North India cluster selected in the Web Fire Map below:
Table 1 gives the data for the 2000-2012 All-India annual dam capacity and the corresponding number of hotspots as detailed above.
It may be seen that the relation of the number of hotspots increasing with All India annual dam capacity is extremely significant( r = 0.916, df = 11, p = 1.11E-5).

So expect an earthquake or an earthquake related event here or somewhere in the same longitude band or in related longitude bands: -75, 15, -15, 105,-105, 165,-165 when the dynamic disequilibrium of the dams reaches chaotic proportions. I predict such an event to occur in November 2012. The Pacific Rim and the Andaman NSumatra Bay are also under threat.
This once again confirms the nuclear effect of dams in destabilising infrastructures like the foundations of nuclear stations.
Ref: R. Ashok Kumar.2005. Earthquakes Caused By Dams at