Monday, May 25, 2015



This is one more instance of khudkushi(self suicide!) by modern civilization through the instantaneous simultaneous surges applied to points on the globe by the world's dams. The number of earthquakes in the pre dam era are only 1 to 2 % of the number in the dam era 1900 AD and beyond. Those who think plate tectonics pushed India into Asia to cause the quakes must ponder their flights of fancy:
"India supposedly detached itself from Antarctica sometime during the Mesozoic, and then drifted northeastward up to 9,000 km, over a period of up to 200 million years, until it finally collided with Asia in the mid-Tertiary, pushing up the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. That Asia happened to
have an indentation of approximately the correct shape and size and in exactly the right place for India to “dock” into would amount to a remarkable coincidence (Mantura, 1972). There is, however, overwhelming geological and paleontological
evidence that India has been an integral part of Asia since Proterozoic or earlier time (Ahmad, 1990; Chatterjee and Hotton, 1986; Meyerhoff et al., 1991; Saxena and Gupta, 1990). There is also abundant evidence that the Tethys Sea in the region of the present Alpine-Himalayan orogenic belt was never a deep, wide ocean but rather a narrow, predominantly shallow, intracontinental seaway (Bhat, 1987; Dickins, 1987, 1994c; McKenzie,1987; Stöcklin, 1989). If the long journey of India had actually occurred, it would have been an isolated island continent for millions of years—sufficient time to have evolved a highly distinct endemic fauna. However, the Mesozoic and Tertiary faunas show no such endemism but indicate instead
that India lay very close to Asia throughout this period, and not to Australia and Antarctica (Chatterjee and Hotton, 1986). The stratigraphic, structural, and paleontological continuity of India with Asia and Arabia means that the
supposed “flight of India” is no more than a flight of fancy."
----Pratt in Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 307–352, 2000

Read how dam surges are behind the self destruction of modern civilization at

The science of dams causing earthquakes and climate change 

The link:

Sunday, May 10, 2015


Zanskar Valley destroyed by artificial dam burst on 7 May 2015 at 240 UTC. Modern civilization is continuing its Khudkushi(self


By R. Ashok Kumar,B.E.,M.E., Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.

© 2015 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar


The reduced flow into Nimmo Bazgo Hydro Plant led to the landslide discovery.
The Dam 10000 km above MSL high on the Himalayas on the Indus:

The Himalayan Setting at Alchi(34 12'55",77 11'06") on the Indus to the landslide on the Phutkal River near village Marshun(33 17'25",77 17'6.8"):

A Look at the analysis:

The picture: The land slid  and formed an artificial dam at the center of the picture. See the second picture below for the site of artificial dam on the river Phutkal.

How did the world’s dams cause the artificial dam break?

The World’s dams caused the earthquakes 200 km around the Zanskar Valley location of the dam-burst to dance in synchrony with the world’s earthquakes. Instead of causing the quake the dams may cause landslides and artificial dams across rivers and break them later causing great destruction; see the synchrony here:

Refer to the following Table and the Table above: In the process of  a world dam surge wave of 100 BCM dam content change passing from a quake in the New Britain Region to a quake in Oklahoma it hit the Zanskar Valley artificial dam location at the time  2:29:20 UTC and the dam broke at 240 UTC some ten to eleven minutes after the dam surge arrival. The surge was potentially capable of causing a sinking of 140 m by application of a 1 sec power of 137336 terawatts(The entire power generation capacity of the world is of the order of 6 terawatts . And this explains the dam brake.

The landslide dam was detected because of reduced inflow into the Indus River on which the Nimmoo Bazgo Run of River Hydro plant is located. See the details of the location of the HEP at

See a report on the landslide at

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Modern Civilization’s latest act of self destruction: Yamuna Augmentation Canal Breach by a 275000 terawatt surge of the World’s Dams

By Ramaswami Ashok Kumar, B.E.,M.E, Negentropist, Bombay Sarvodaya Mandal, 299, Tardeo Road, Nana Chowk, Mumbai-400007.
(C) 2015 Ramaswami Ashok Kumar

Re: Yamuna Augmentation Canal Breach – Man-made Disaster?
 Posted on April 17, 2015 by SANDRP at 

Quote from the article:
“The breach reportedly occurred about 14 km downstream Hamida Head on Western Jamuna Canal (WJC) in Yamuna Nagar district around 03:00 am(IST) on 12th of April 2015. From all accounts, it seems like an avoidable manmade disaster about which credible independe(n)t inquiry alone can help arrive at truth.”

My analysis shows that the breach was caused by a total instantaneous simultaneous reservoir content change in the waters behind the world’s dams of around 200 BCM. The  surge wave initiated by this content change of 275000 terawatts 1 sec  power caused an earthquake in Greece at 21:26:29 UTC on 11 April 2015 and then in the process of causing an earthquake in Hawaii at 21:56:18 passed through Palewala at 21:35 hrs UTC on 11 April2015 or 3:05 IST on 12 April 2015 and breached the AC causing the disaster.

See Table 2 below.

The figure of 275000 terawatts for the 1 sec power surge of the World’s dams acting simultaneously instantaneously together is derived in Table 1: